2021-01-23 User Forums updated
- The forums are now back online and working
- New user registration is now possible again
- Visit forums under
2021-01-08 Registration Errors resolved
- the webserver hosting provider outdated the installed php version
- license registration is now working properly again
- demo days are now working properly again
- IRIS can now again be purchased, keys are deployed manually (1-2 working days).
2020-10-17 Error Demo and License Key registration
- currently there is a connection issue with xcessity license server
- we are working on solving the isssue
- in the meantime IRIS sales have been suspended
2017-01-15 New device supported
- IRIS is fully compatible with the newest tobii 4C(*) eye tracker.
2016-03-31 Price Update
- New reduced price for IRIS, 39.00 EUR only!
2016-03-11 Version 1.8.1
2016-02-03 Version 1.8
- interactors can now hold images
- new design for UI checkboxes
- colors are now consolidated into one drop down menu
- toggle key interactors now indicate if the key is pressed down
- fixed a bug where profile switches triggered by eye blinks crash the application
- fixed a bug where the mouse cursor won't move after activating "START GAZE POINT" from the main window
- improved controls for FPS View interactors
- fixed a bug that would move interactors anywhere when being dragged
2016-01-19 Version 1.7.1 New SDK 1.6.477
- built IRIS with the newest version of the tobii EyeX SDK 1.6.477
2016-01-05 Version 1.7.1 hotfix
- added macro command to play sound file
- added macro command for Sensory GRID switch presses
2015-07-02 Version 1.7.1
- fixed a bug that changed invisible interactor geometry
- gaze point and click activation are now profile based settings
2015-06-23 Version 1.7
- added eye blink detection
- added new interactor type: FPS View
2015-05-22 Version 1.6
- stabilization filter for gaze data added
2015-05-06 Version 1.5
- added keyboard shortcut for pausing all interactors
- added profile switch to interactor actions
- customizeable colors
- from now on settings are preserved when uninstalling
- interactors are always frameless
- interactors can be draged by clicking on them
2015-05-01 Version 1.4
2015-04-21 Version 1.3
- fixed a bug where the interactor size changes on toggle
- all keyboard keys get released when closing IRIS
- removed normalization of mouse cursor speed
- moved to the newest tobii EyeX SDK 1.4.451